Sunday, January 4, 2009

Picture of the Day- Do Over

I know, I know, the phrase "picture of the day" is singular but I like this one better.

Today was uneventful but exciting. I slept like a log and woke up around 7 HST (which is about 1 pm EST), registered for the conference, and went to sessions. I haven't been as a conference in a while and forgot how overstimulated I get. Usually the presentations are a mixed bag but there are always incredibly interesting ones with equally as interesting people to talk to and I love to talk.

I did take some time to sit on my balcony and my 30 minutes of peace was interrupted by that awful "cooooo cooooh". Pigeon sounds go right to that place in my brain where spoiled seafood and children go, immediate gagging and hunched shoulders. No matter how quiet that cooing it will hit me squarely in the hate zone. Turns out it was this guy on the balcony over. Instead of finding a stick to poke at it, I grabbed my camera and took some pictures. That is high rise Waikiki in the back.

I was leaning out a bit and the guy next to me came out and screamed at me, thinking I was trying to take a picture into his room. I pointed at the bird, who had of course disappeared, and ducked back into my room, forever branded a pervert. I post this picture as proof that there was a pigeon and not a middle aged japanese man in my sights.

For those of you hating me for being in Hawaii, there is revenge in the form of a Rod Stewart cover band playing right outside my window.

As an FYI for my family, yes I'm wearing sunblock and my cold is much better and basically just reduced to the sniffles.

K- Caleb says "hi" and is NY every once in a while. He too stayed with Adam for longer than necessary because of you.

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