Saturday, January 17, 2009

Picture of the Day- Day 17

Day 17. A very hung over morning of Day 17. Ab and I went down to Fairway to partake in the lobster roll feast but had a little trouble getting down there. First, we were a bit hung over. Second there was insane traffic all around Hamilton Ave. We tried to get onto Hamilton on 3rd and found the place to be a parking lot. Then I tried 3rd and 9th but was almost run over by a funeral procession. This was one strange funeral procession. The cars were going through the green light and then when the light turned red three or four of the cars all moved to block traffic so that the funeral cars could continue to run through the red light. I sure that this is a totally normal thing but it was the precision and the "fuck you" attitude of the drivers towards the angry angry honking cars that sort of took my breath away.

That caused some general confusion, U-Turnery, and confused old ladies to block the intersection once again while the jerks behind me continued to honk and really ramp up my headache. We finally made it down to Red Hook and had a lovely lunch. Ab had never been to Red Hook so we toured around a bit, drooling over the lofts around Fairway and contemplating a run to Ikea before common sense and the need to nap kicked in.

I only took a few shots because it was freezing out but there were big chunks of ice floating in the river and the rocks were all growing big ice sweaters. It was lovely to sit inside the warm Fairway tent, enjoy our $10 lobster rolls, and watch all the boats go by.

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