Saturday, January 31, 2009


Despite the despair that I feel that I now have a desktop folder labeled "eulogies" I managed to have a pretty good time in Denver (if you don't count the funeral).

Upon landing I was greeted with a dinner invite by my sorority sister Jo and had an wonderful time telling horribly sick jokes with her lovely girlfriend and a group of pediatric oncologists. I think most of our conversation was too grotesque to share her but given the surrounding death and destruction was had a wonderful time.

I stayed with my friend Matt from undergrad as well and was so please to spend time sharing stories about Adam. Matt and I both had "featured speaking rolls" for the services and helped each other through it.

On Friday my sorority sisters, and Gaylen's son Merlin, took me out to breakfast. I always loved my sorority sisters in college but their warmth and love really kept me going. Same with Matt and his fiance.

I'm having a big superbowl party tomorrow and need to get ready. I'm quite pleased to have such a daunting task, our house is a mess, I have a giant pile of laundry, and a chili contest to win.

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