Thursday, January 22, 2009

Picture of the Day - Day 22

I love people watching on the subway, you see everything and everyone doing their own thing and working very hard to ignore the rest of the world. I have literally had kids breakdance in my face, preachers tell me I'm going to hell, and an 8 piece mariachi band break my heart with their love songs on my morning commute and absolutely love it.

In the evenings after rush hour the trains are usually very mellow with people dozing off or thinking about their destination. This guy dozed off almost immediately and the woman across from me was reading the New Yorker. I don't like to stick my camera in people's faces but I usually don't hide it or hide that I'm taking pictures. On the subway I keep it on my lap but will shoot a picture, look at it on the screen, and then adjust the shot. This "technique" yields about 1 in 10 usable shots and often only 1/100 that is interesting enough to post. It's a hard place to shoot, the light is weird, your shaking and rolling with the trains and you often have a mariachi band or cellist vying for your attention.

A calm quiet commute is one of my favorite things about living in New York and a normal, crazy rush hour commute is one of the things to be tolerated with heavy doses of podcasts and a hearty breakfast.

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