Monday, August 25, 2008

Going Back To School

I've been toying around with the idea of going back to teach. I'm certified in NJ and have always taught in NJ. My friends who work in NYC constantly complain about the NYCDOE bureaucracy and high jinx. In the past these reports have been enough to keep me at bay but lately I've been thinking it might be nice to work in NYC, all of those reforms must have led to something right?

So I put my resume in for a winter start date and get a call back from NYCDOE saying that I am missing pieces. I check and I'm not but I try to return the call anyway. The number given on Monday led to a "this number no longer takes messages" message on Tuesday. When I asked for the person who called me I was transferred to what can only be called a mobius strip of voice mail systems.

So do I really want to go back to teaching. Probably. Do I really want to put up with NYC's shenanigans? Probably not. This type of small, unprofessional BS is exactly what, over time, keeps people out of the classroom. Maybe there's something in Hoboken?

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