Our Mess
An updated bathroom our "house of little creatures" that is decorated with preserved specimens
The new, cleaned and suddenly bigger tiny bedroom. It had been filled with our unpacked boxes is now a cosy spot awaiting Peter's dream massage chair.
This was my dad's poster. It had to live in the basement due to its crass nature but I've always loved it. It always confused me until one day I got it and realized that my dad was the funniest person I knew. Peter wouldn't let me hang it anywhere but my office so now I can look at it and think about my dad's sense of humor.
What's a girl to do on a rainy weekend? Compulsively clean the house of course. We've moved twice in the past 1.5 years and both times we basically had to shove everything (including the dust bunnies) in boxes and move out. When we moved into our current house we managed to unpack most of the boxes and get things shoved inside our closets and forget about them for six months.
I needed to get a few things done: vacuum, donate old clothing, clean fridge to get ride of grossness, and organize my desk. Somehow this turned into about 10 bags of trash and 5 bags of recyclable paper. We went through everything and managed to throw out a lot of stuff.
We also had a great dinner at Kate and Vic's last night. Kate and Vic really know how to throw a dinner party and weren't phased at all by the rain. It was nice to have Amanda back from her travels (South of France, Saratoga, London, Paris, Copenhagen, etc) and to given Sonny a chance to show us was a great kid he is. We've always had a wonderful time as a family but there is a closeness and familiarity since my dad died. There must be something about spending two weeks locked in a hospital room together on your way to hell that allows you to bring each other back. Amanda put it most aptly when she said we were shoveling each other along. Now that we've had some time to grieve, we are starting to define ourselves as a similar but different family. One that I suspect will be overrun with babies in the next five years.
Given that my sister Kate is such a great and super healthy cook, I wanted to give her a chance to post some recipes. Once I figure that out we should have our very own guest blogger.
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