Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Picture of the Day-Day 35

In an ideal world, I get an hour or so in the natural light every day to take some pictures. This is, of course, much easier when the sun doesn't set at 5 pm, but sometimes it does happen. The past few days have been basically sunless, actually outdoorless, cold wintery days where I have been forcably locked in my office to grind away at some big, complex problems. That means my picture time is when I get home, in artificial light, and when I am often kind of loopy.

As further excuse for my wacky picture above I would like you to know that I was working on a homework assignment in which I basically had to take the same shot 20 times and got fairly bored of my favorite trio. You should also know that I was trying to look threatening, like I was sneaking up on them to bite their heads off, and not, as it appears, singing along with their band.

This one is a bit more ominous.

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