Sunday, February 1, 2009

Photo of the Day- Day 32

I apologize in advance for any misnumbering that happens. Today is the first day where it isn't obvious what day of the photo challenge it is (yes, I made that sentence syntastically confusing just to convey confusion).

I'm supposed to be getting ready for our superbowl chili cook off but just couldn't resist the lovely light that was streaming in. I shot entirely in manual and played around the my exposure settings to maximize depth of field. When I look at them on my computer screen they all look very similar but I'm sure, magnified in front of the entire class, I will be able to tell the difference.

My husband bought these candy buttons at the "best candy store ever" and promptly declared that they were no good. They were excellent photographic subjects and have been moved into my category of "tastes bad but photographs well".

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