The Brooklyn Beer and BBQ Society started because Hamish didn't want to go out, and why would he given his great back yard and 3, yes 3, grills. The group is a fairly rag tag band of always hungry Brooklynites (with a few exceptions). I think we have mostly Aussies and Americans though no one knows where Derek is from since we can't really understand a word he says. For this round, we offered to host. We even have our own facebook page, which makes us very official.
The purpose of the group, aside from getting us to come over to Hamish's house, is to have periodic cooking contests. Money is wagered, hearts are broken, and we generally eat and drink until people throw up or spill wine all over the house. We've had burgers, pizza, and now chili. We have some excellent cooks and one professional chef, so I always feel a bit intimidated by the group. People matched beers, wine, and assorted toppings with their chili.
Last night we had 7 chilis including shirmp, turkey, and beef and ranging in style from gumbo-like to something akin to pulled pork with bacon on top. My entry, a traditional turkey chili, was doomed from the start because the grocery store was out of the chili powder that I like to use. I know its more authentic to make your own but I've been a bit busy. To attempt to shore up a top finish I also baked my spicy chocolate cake.
There was quite a bit of discussion over the rules, labeling, and balloting with a strong lean towards anonymous voting. My husband whipped up some lovely score cards, Ashley organized the chilis, and away we went. Oh and the superbowl with its various betting schemes was going in the back.
Hamish's pork with more pork was the clear favorite, with Aaron's beef chili a close second. I don't remember who came next but it wasn't me. They were all good and different in style and flavorings, luckily none of them were too spicy.

Actually watching the game

Aaron rocking 3 week old Cleo, our youngest member

There was serious discussion as to the rules and labeling

Some of the guys before the game started

Lovely Ashley tending the slow cooker.

Announcing the winner...

Snuggling with Cleo, she was less taken with Jonathan since he doesn't have boobs

The spread

Some serious voting

Our winner with the pork on pork chili