In case you're wondering how one gardens in a 4th floor walk up with only window boxes and a 3' x 3' fire escape, here's a clue. Its messy and requires a number of passes with the vacuum. You just need to be sure that you pay attention to the soil that you originally put in there. I also put a lot of glass and plastic bottles in the bottom of my boxes to take up space and to give the water a place to go in case the holes in the bottom clog.
I also put together a succulent box for my all sun, no rain box on the southwestern exposure. For some reason this never gets any rain.
Hi there-- I just found your blog through "One Local Summer." I love what you guys are doing. I can totally relate to you: I live in a one-bedroom apartment in the DC area. Best of luck in your local eating endeavor, and I look forward to reading more on your blog.
We just moved up from a year in DC. I didn't have any outdoor space and never had enough time to cook so window boxes are quite a luxury to me.
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