Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Home Sick X2

My husband was on a business trip last week and came home with a wicked flu, which he kindly shared with me. We've been home sick together for the past day and a half. I have to admit its a bit weird. When I'm home sick I want to be alone, lounging on the couch, being my grossest and not worrying about anything. When you home sick with someone you care about your torn between using your hair as a tissue and running around trying to make soup. Luckily, our flues seem to balance out and when my fever is up, his is down. We also have two bedrooms so his death rattle/ garbage disposal cough doesn't interfere with my honking canadian goose cough.

I've been steadily getting better since my fever broke late this morning while his flu has bought real estate in his lungs. I can hopefully get back to work tomorrow and he can go back to being sick without his wife fluttering around him, honking in his ear and offering to get soup and he doesn't have to feel like he needs to take care of me.

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