Wednesday, June 3, 2009

15th Reunion

We went to my husband's 15th college reunion last weekend. I think if you've gone to a college with a pretty campus you take it for granted. If you go to a college with a famously ugly campus, you spend your whole visit gawking at the buildings. Even Yale's cement monstrosity is, once you get inside, one of the most beautiful spaces I have ever seen. Its hard to imaging that this building houses rare books because it feels like a sacred religious spot. I guess to some (myself included) a library is just a sacred.

I don't look forward to reunions, its like being on a date to a wedding where you only know your date. Everyone has this shared history and inside jokes, but this time, I realized that I'd been married long enough to know most of the people, have established relationships with some of them on my own, and have enough shared history that his friends know all about me and our adventures together.

If we ever have kids they're going to Yale, not because of the incredible education, life long connections to people who change and rule the world, but because the campus is so much prettier than where I went to school.

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