Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hmm, Okay 2nd Choice?

Well apparently I already do a good job "pushing back" and telling people exactly what I think (this is why my book group claims that I hate everything and do to fair I usually do hate everything).

So my new mini goal/resolution for this blog is to go through a put tags on everything. While I sure there are people who only want to read about my fabulous taste in pillows, I suspect there are more people out there who might want to read what I wrote about losing my dad to pancreatic cancer (boo hiss cancer). I'm also starting to absorb losing my friend Adam almost a year ago to a heart attack (boo hiss heart attacks) so perhaps they'll be a few more posts about death (and won't that be nice).

I don't pretend that what I wrote is great or insightful but I do know that its honest, raw, and represents an arc for someone to follow. I've shared large chunks of it with friends who have lost someone and I think just reading someone else's perspective helps to give permission to whatever is going on in your own head. I'm sure loss can be generalized by an academic or a counselor but when it happens to you it is nothing but specific to you and your relationship to the person you lost. My reaction to losing my dad and losing Adam were totally different to one another. They were radically different to losing my step-grandmother years ago. And to be fair, I'm still a bit scarred from losing Spot and Scotty. And I'm sure they are different than your loss but I'm sure having a single moment of "yes me too!" has value.

I'm a big fan of organizing content (not my house though) but I've been very good about avoiding this whole organizing task. I've made it a resolution to push myself but the truth is that I'm not ready to reread or even look at those dates on a calendar. I've come a long way but I'm no masochist so I'll take my sweet ass time on this one.

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